Manav Bharti University has taken all the required approval from the respective regulatory bodies for the conduct of professional courses.
Manav Bharti University is notified by University Grants Commission under Section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956. University is empowered to award degrees as specified by the UGC under Section 22 of the UGC Act 1956 through its main campus.
Manav Bharti University has been established by Act. No. 22 of 2009 of State Legislature of Himachal Pradesh as a State Private University.
The Department of Pharmacy of MBU is offering Diploma and Bachelors program in Pharmacy. The department is duly approved by the Pharmacy Council of India. This is the basic pre-requisite for registration to practice as a pharmacist in India and many other countries.
Extension of temporary approval of affiliation to Department of Law, Manav Bharti University, Solan, H.P. for three year as well as five year B.A. LL.B. law course for the academic year 2017-18.
University has established Law College in the campus which is offering LLB – 3 Years & BA LLB – 5 Years. The permission of Bar Council of India (BCI) is necessary to run these courses and the University has got the approval from BCI.
As per law, Universities do not require AICTE approval. Only institutions which are affiliated to Universities require approval. As MBU is a Bonafide University established by a State Act, it does not require AICTE approval. This standing of law is notified in the case of Bharathidasan University Vs AICTE.
Also check setion (iv) of public notice of AICTE which clearly states that University does not require prior approval from AICTE to commence a new department or course and programmes in technical education.